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Our Aeration & Overseeding Program

Aeration is one of the most important cultural practices available to help improve your lawn, and Landscapes By The Yard can help you achieve a thick, beautiful lawn with annual aeration and overseeding.

With the heavy clay soil of our area (Central Ohio), aeration is the most important process in relieving soil compaction, which in turn creates a more desirable environment for young root systems of turf grass to push through loose soil conditions. The better the root system the more vigorous and lush your turf will be.

We run the core aerator over the lawn a minimum of three times to remove thousands of soil plugs. This process relieves soil compaction and allows for nutrients and water to get to the roots more easily, invigorating new root development – a key to a healthy lawn.Aeration-Overseeding

This process also prepares a seed bed to help improve germination when seeding in the fall. We can also go over the problem areas repeatedly and rake them as needed.